Bridgnorth Sixth Form


Advanced Level
Exam Board: AQA
Either GCSE Physics Grade 6 or Combined Science 6–6 (from Triple Science). Also a Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics.

Why study Physics?

Students studying Physics require an enquiring mind with an interest in explaining how things interact, from the small scale (Nuclear Physics) to the large scale (Astrophysics).

Physics also helps you to develop your reasoning and problem solving skills, equipping you for a wide range of future careers.

What skills are required?

In order to do well in an A level Physics course students will be required to have and develop good mathematical skills, hence the minimum requirement of a GCSE Grade 6 in Mathematics. Students will be expected to carry out background reading for course content, both from available texts and internet research. This is essential to support and strengthen their understanding of material covered in the specification.

Course Content

In the first year students will study:
• Measurements and their errors
• Particles and radiation
• Waves
• Mechanics and energy
• Electricity

During the first year there are six required practical experiments that must be taken in class which will provide evidence towards a practical endorsement.

In the second year students will build on Year 1 knowledge and study:
• Further mechanics and thermal physics
• Fields
• Nuclear physics
• Turning Points

During the second year a further six required practical experiments must be undertaken to complete the practical endorsement.

How will it be assessed?

Paper 1: Topics 1-5 and simple harmonic motion

  • 2 hours
  • 85 marks
  • 34% of A level

Paper 2: Topics 6-8

  • 2 hours
  • 85 marks
  • 34% of A level

Paper 3: Practical skills and topic 9

  • 2 hours
  • 80 marks
  • 32% of A level


Physics is one of the facilitating A levels and is highly regarded. It is an essential A level for most Physics and Engineering degree courses. The skills that A Level Physics develops in students, open up a wealth of career opportunities such as in Mathematics, Science and Computing, Business and Finance.

Staff Contacts
[email protected]
[email protected]

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